List of products by brand SpinRite Crester

SpinRite Crester is an accessory or tool to make crests or cresting or wrap on traditional wooden arrows or Carbon, or Aluminum.
A precision tool used by arrow factors in the United States, a reference.
Think about using the right products like Lake - Bohning cresting.
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    The lift handle is used to lift the motor arm and idler arm for arrow shaft insertion. The idler lags about a half inch below the motor arm when lifted this in this manner. This is expected. Note - many arrow builders prefer to speed feed the arrow shaft for both insertion and removal.

    The tension spring can be moved side to side for best function. Normally the crester works best with the spring near the center of the gap between the motor arm and idler arm, but if you find a different position that works better for your purposes use it. The spring can also be unhooked from the tension bar so the whole upper carriage can be tilted back. Grab the spring and lift up and rearward to unhook it from the tension bar.

    The rear side rollers can be moved inboard and the center support rollers can be moved side to side for best function.

    The idler arm can be moved left to tame bent shafts. Generally you will need to move the tension spring in the same direction and distance as the idler arm for best results.

    The arrow stop can be moved from zero to approximately 7" away from the base carriage assembly by loosening the lock screw, sliding out the arrow stop and tightening the lock screw at the desired length.

    The front pattern rest can be moved up or down as desired. Up next to the shaft for marking the pattern and cresting, or down out of the way for a clear working area. The rear pattern rest only requires a pattern taped in place.

    Any of the adjustable items can be moved as you desire. There are some combinations that make the crester perform worse instead of better. Please play with the adjustments as you see fit but be aware of the consequences of poor combinations.

 Taming crooked shafts

The adjustability of the Spinrite Crester will allow you remove some of the wobble created by a less than perfectly straight shaft. While the Spinrite Crester will not straighten your arrow shaft, it can temporarily reduce the wobble in the arrow shaft while you apply your paint making your cresting lines straight and even. There are no set directions for reducing the wobble. It is a trial and error system of adjustments. Minor adjustments often create better results than large changes. Play with the adjustments and see what works for you. Here are some of the adjustments that can be made to help. This is not a definitive list. The adjustments are listed in the order that have shown to have the most effect.

    Move the idler arm in towards the center.

    Slide the center support rollers to one side or the other.

    Move the center support rollers under the idler arm's new position.

    Move the arrow stop in or out to support a different section of the arrow.

    Move the motor arm in towards the center.


There may be times when your arrow does not spin as expected. Here are some tips to try if you encounter any issues.

    Make sure all of the idler rollers are free and spinning. The side rollers can get pinched against the side brackets causing them to bind. Slide the rollers away from the side. This will provide clearance for the rollers to spin freely.

    There are occasions when the center rollers will not make arrow contact and spin. Test a non-spinning roller with your finger to be sure it will spin if it is in contact with an arrow shaft.

    Excess tension on the idler arm can cause errant spinning of the arrow shaft. Generally you want the tension spring slightly left of the center of the gap between the motor arm and idler arm. This is a general adjustment some arrow shafts may need the tension closer to the idler arm.


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